The Bad
As I said in the last article, much of the fun in MMOs is in the sense of discovery and team work. A lot of this stuff takes place mostly at lower levels. This is because like Scientology, you have to delve a bit deeper in most MMOs before their insidious nature becomes apparent.
When your character is a lower level, it usually takes a reasonable amount of exp to level up, you gain money at a decent rate from just doing quests and exploring. Equipment usually doesn't cost a ton and you can get by without a whole lot of gear. Life is good! You are drawn into this world and you get hooked. Then the grind begins.

As you keep playing exp requirements skyrocket, you don't find nearly enough money and most good weapons and armor are retardedly expensive or only available through difficult and time consuming quests. You play for hours just trying to level up, or get a rare piece of loot. At this point you're not really having much fun anymore, you're just grinding out another level. It's called grinding because that's exactly what it feels like. A boring, repetitive task. It's just like a job. It's even worse if you're like me and have a job you actually enjoy. Plus you are accomplishing something and getting REAL money!

Which brings me to my final point of this article, RMT. That stands for real money trading. Basically companies hire large amounts of people (usually Chinese) to play the game all day and just gather resources, then sell them to get in-game money. They then use their website to sell the game money for REAL money! Basically a digital sweatshop. And it works, because of how much of a fucking grind these games are.
Many people realize that "Hey, instead of playing the game for 5 hours to get 100 gold pieces, I can work at my job for 2 hours and just BUY 100 gold pieces. That saves me 3 hours!" Yes that's right folks, people will pay so they don't have to play this fucking game they are paying $10 a month to play. Why? Because they are completely addicted.
Well that doesn't make me want to play a MMO at all. I need more carrots.