NBA 2k11 - The last basketball game I played was Barkley's Shut Up and Jam on the genesis. As far as I am concerned it's the only one I need.
DJ Hero 2 - I tried to play the demo for this but it wouldn't let me because I haven't purchased the DJ Hero Controller. I'm not going to invest in this shit without trying it first!!
Fallout : New Vegas - I am perfectly happy with Old Vegas, thanks.
The Sims 3 - I can think of much better ways to occupy my girlfriend....If I had one.
World of Warcraft Cataclysm - I don't play WoW, so I am not buying this expansion pack when I have nothing to expand upon!
God of War: Ghost of Sparta - I like God of War but I still need to play the 3rd one so I don't want to spoil the story, maybe I will buy it later.
Epic Mickey - This game looks kind of lame and also I don't own a Wii.
Driver : San Fransisco - I played the first one on PS1 and liked it but then I got the second one and it got a scratch on it. I never finished it so playing this would just be too weird.
The Amazing Race - The only way I would buy this is if there was a minigame where you have to smack yourself in the face with a watermelon.
Kirby's Epic Yarn - This game looks pretty cool, I have always been a fan of Kirby but I don't own a Wii.
Two worlds 2 - So what are we up to now, 4 worlds? I'm sorry but that's a bit excessive. I'll pass.
I'm not buying Two Worlds 2 either. Not enough 2s in the title.